Sunday road ride 10:00 am

10:00 am at Vics
Abooot ah 2 hour ride eh.


Saturday 10/30 cross-MTB Ride

Vics at 2:00 PM
Ride Left Hand Trail and go the Rez to watch the UCI Cross Race.
Bring ID and money  for beer garden.

Ciao ,

Adopt a Road Gang

We clean up Redneck trash.

Sunday, 10/24, Road Ride

Weather for Sunday is looking better...
10:00 AM at Vics - Road Ride - Pace and Route TBD at ride start.  It's Fall, so more on the easier, shorter side of things. 
(Maybe up to Jamestown for Pancakes?)
(Saturday - Cross/MTB Ride - Check email if it is cold and rainy.)

Saturday (10/23) Cross/MTB Ride

Weather looks like it could be a bit cool.  So lets do some local short trails before the Adopt a Road...
10:00 am at Vics - Cross or MTB Ride - Ride past Rez to the Left Hand Trail up to Neva Rd and back.
Happy Trails.