Sunday Ride 9:00 Vic's (9/26)

This makes it official!
9:00 Sunday at Vic's. Something in the 2-3 hour range. Route TBD by group consensus!



Saturday MTB ride... (9/25)

Saturday MTB ride..
9:00 at Vics - Carpool up to Ned.  - This week - Boy Scout/DOT Trails and Hobbit & Re-Root on the West Mag side.

Saturday MTB Ride; Sunday Not So Swift Ride

Saturday MTB Ride - (9/18) - West Mag up to School Bus and Toilet Bowl.  - 2 to 3 hour ride at a moderate pace.  Leave Boulder around 9ish.  Email for Carpooling up...
Sunday - Not So Swift Ride - (9/19) (Pre-Party Ride) -
9:00 am at Vics - Route TBD - Maybe Jamestown if the smoke has cleared. 
(If anybody wants to ride fast, send out an email to lead the ride.)

Thursday MTB; Sunday Mountain Road Ride

Thursday afterwork MTB - Bataso Loop - Leave from Boulder and ride up.  (hopefully I'll get done before night fall) -
email me if interested and we can meet up.
Sunday - Road Ride - 8:30 at Vics -  Boulder - Lyons - Raymond - Ward - loop
My pace will be a bit slow.  Can drop me if need to get back by dinner.  :-)